Dear Human Nature,

Dear Human Nature,
I watched a movie about you today and I was truly disgusted by some of the things that I observed. Man on a Ledge, though not technically about you, screamed details of your presence. You were heard in the cheers of the people on the streets. They screamed for him to JUMP as if his dying would bring them personal satisfaction. You were evident in the deranged plot of the man on the ledge: showing that you will do anything to prove your point. Your voice rang out of those who made bets on how long it would be before he would jump. You see everything as an opportunity to win and to gain. I heard you in the brutal remarks that the man should just blow off his head and be done with it. You have no patience for suffering or deep psychological need. The truth is that you are selfish and insecure. As long as you are not directly effected, nothing matters. You enjoy seeing people struggle because it makes you feel strong. Thankfully, you have not taken over all people. And I am just letting you know now that I refuse to fall prey.

2 thoughts on “Dear Human Nature,

  1. I just watched this movie a couple of days ago but haven’t had the time to review it yet. I totally agree with what you say. Have you watched Limitless yet? That one gets into human nature and weakness a little bit as well.

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